Maritime Security Training


"Uniquely Experienced and Committed to Maritime Security through Implementation of the ISPS Code"

King Cole Maritime’s unique international experience ensures relevant and current maritime security training and assessments which comply with SOLAS, the ISPS Code and STCW to the national and international maritime industry.

Maritime Security Training Courses

We present training courses for maintaining ship/port interface security as indicated on our ISPS Training Courses page.

Our accredited courses adhere to the highest international standards and by being hands-on and interactive, enhance students’ learning experience.

NEW! For the convenience of our students, we now offer the Proficiency in Security Awareness Course (PSA) online. For more information contact us at

Maritime Security Assessments

We provide maritime security assessments and security plans for ships, ports, port facilities and port service providers, in accordance with the ISPS Code and the ILO and IMO Code of Practice for Security in Ports.

The ISPS Code

THE ISPS Code establishes an international framework for preventive measures against security incidents affecting international maritime trade. It also determines the respective roles and responsibilities for ensuring maritime security, ensures early and efficient exchange of security-related information, creates plans and procedures to react to changing security levels and ensures confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures are in place.

(ISPS Code part A paragraph 1.2)

ISPS Code 2003 Edition,

International Maritime Organisation, London, 2003

Maritime Security Courses

King Cole Added Benefits


King Cole Maritime is committed to implementation of the ISPS Code by presenting the following courses: 


Based in South Africa, our services are competitively priced in ZAR and are available at South African and international locations to meet clients’ needs.

We can facilitate other mandatory STCW training requirements in Cape Town.

South Africa’s usually benign climate allows training to be conducted throughout the year.

Tourist and spousal programmes can be arranged to suit specific requirements.  

African Maritime Security Updates


Maritime piracy is and has always been a crime with a severe detrimental impact on both the shipping industry and global economy, and, most importantly, in human lives lost, injured or psychologically traumatised. Maritime piracy crime goes back to the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Between 1716 and 1726, pirates captured

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Operations within the Gulf of Guinea are often conducted against the backdrop of heightened risk. This is partly due to the prevalence of piracy in the region, and the relative lack of both counter piracy resources and activity. The recent flurry of incidents within the Gulf of Guinea has increased the risk

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